“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place.” - George Bernard Shaw
Couples Counseling in Colorado Springs
Relationship Communication
If you’re here looking for couples counseling, it is very likely that you and your partner or partners have difficulty effectively communicating with one another. It is one of the most important skills in any relationship, but often one that clients do not have enough practice with. Words are crucial, especially with the people we love. Without knowing it, we could be triggering decades of insecurity with a single phrase. Improving your communication with your partner in couples counseling can help you to understand each other and to communicate what you need from each other. Behind every complaint is a longing and an unmet need. Changing the way you communicate through couples counseling can help you to get what you need without criticism, blame, or contempt. Communication skills development in couples counseling helps you to have more effective conflicts with each other and to truly understand rather than quickly rise to anger.
Signs of Ineffective Couples Communication
Frequent criticism
Beginning sentences with “You,” as in “You always do that,” “You never listen,” and “You’re never there for me.”
Mind reading for your partner and assuming you know what they’re thinking, feeling, or their motives for an action
Inability to compromise
Sarcasm and passive aggression
Having the same argument over and over again
Defensiveness, criticism, and contempt
Stonewalling (shutting off, turning away from your partner)
Quickly becoming angry and overwhelmed in conflicts
How Can Couples Counseling Help?
Couples counseling for communication issues can help you:
Address and process past hurts
Communicate your emotions more effectively
Get your needs met by your partner
Fight with less anger and animosity
Become more securely attached to your partner
Understand your partner’s backstory and how their childhood impacts the way they are in relationships
Be more honest and open with each other
Start couples counseling today to improve your communication issues. You can have a more connected and considerate relationship that helps you get your needs met, feel safe, and to grow your trust in your partner!